Open Programmes

Over the past 5 years Seventy20ten™ have been busy working across all sectors developing and delivering programmes, working with in house learning and talent teams and offering expert coaching and mentoring.

We have noticed that internal teams are often challenged with designing and delivering high value strategic programmes, often leaving much of the equally valuable fundamental management learning to build up.

This can cause issues and gaps in capability.

As a result, we get many requests to deliver what we would call leadership and management essentials. In essence, these are all the things that a new manager may need to develop to help them hit the ground running and add value.

Our flexible learning courses are designed to maximise the learning potential of a single or series of workshops.

They have been designed and perfected in collaboration our customers over the last five years. We capture the key habits and abilities of any manager or leader who wants to develop real world skills.

Each course has a very finely mixed blend of practical theory and application.

Time has been built in to ensure that participants can apply any learning to actual role and work environment.

Everyone will have the opportunity to get support with real life work challenges related to the subject matter.

All our courses are 3 hours duration

Would you, your team or organisation like to…

Become more self-aware ,

have better relationships,

and be even more effective in work and at home?

Do you have a member of your team who would really benefit from an Insights® Discovery profile?

This interactive 3½ hour workshop is suitable for all levels and will provide a strong foundation that will enable individuals to enhance their:

  • Understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and value to the team

  • Communication style and how they relate to others

  • Ability to connect with others, improving collaboration and influencing outcomes

During the session participants will be given the opportunity to complete the Insights® Discovery online evaluator and will receive a copy of their personal profile.

There is no need to complete anything in advance or chase down completions: just book, attend and we’ll do the rest!

If you already have an insights profile you are welcome to join for free ( subject to availability)

Our next available courses will be running on the 10th May 2024.

£250 +VAT per person
Includes Insights® Discovery personal profile

Management and Leadership Courses

  • This module is about getting better at goal setting it will help you and your team set compelling and flexible objectives that motivate and deliver both personally and for the organisation.

    Aims and what to expect

    Learn the latest thinking and techniques in how to articulate and write motivational objectives that work. This will help you and your team deliver more consistently and effectively and therefore perform at their best

    • Setting goals that work using SMART and CLEAR
    • The power of why and the impact on motivation.
    • Setting the standards and a clear definition of what good looks like
    • Showing the benefits of measuring output and inputs
    • Addressing and changing behaviours and attitudes

  • This module is designed to help individuals deal with the inevitable conflict that arises day to day. It recognises that conflict is part of any managers role and is in fact a necessary stage in the formation of high performing teams and relationships. This workshop focuses on practical application of skills and techniques, leading to better stakeholder, team and individual interactions.

    Aims and what to expect

    You will learn how to turn conflict into a productive discussion that leads to stronger relationships and better performance. You will learn to get that balance right between challenge (focus on task) and support (care for the individual).

    • Explore what make conflict difficult to deal with
    • Focusing on how to plan and execute a ‘tough conversation’
    • 7 point preparation plan
    • Use of conversation funnels to drive conversation to your outcome
    • Managing emotions

  • This module will take a fresh look at how effective coaching can have breakthrough results. Explore coaching as a leadership tool that will drive engagement, ownership and performance

    Aims and what to expect

    You will learn everyday coaching skills so you can use coaching as a just-in-time and proactive leadership intervention. You will get clearer about how to make the best of your style to maximise your outcomes

    • Explore coaching as a day to day tool that helps productivity
    • Develop skills to have breakthrough conversations
    • Learning how to spot and capitalize on everyday coaching opportunities
    • Understand you coaching strengths and development areas

  • Great feedback helps us grow and know what to improve and what to do more of. There is no such thing as negative feedback only change or continue feedback
    Aims and what to expect
    You will learn how to take the threat out of feedback and how to use feedback for performance to both improve as well as show appreciation and praise. The aim of this workshop is to help you introduce a feedback culture where feedback is sought out and welcomed

    • Benefits of giving good feedback
    • Introduce positive intent as an essential part of feedback
    • Care personally and challenge directly
    • Getting the balance right between challenge and support
    • Models of feedback to help focus your conversations