Insights Discovery

Seventy20ten is a fully accredited, leading provider and distributor of Insights Discovery, we have extensive experience across multiple sectors.

Insights Discovery model

The Insights Discovery model is based on the extensive research of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and one of his leading students Dr Jolande Jacobi.

The model uses four colours to represent observable behavioural patterns which are measured by the Insights Discovery evaluator which when completed, produces your Insights Discovery Personal Profile.

Using Insights Discovery to increase self-awareness, we help people perform at their highest level.

Benefits of
Insights Discovery

  • Insights can help you understand where motivation comes from both a team and individual perspective. This can help you unlock potential and also create the right environment to help remove blockers that get in the way of people performing at their best.

  • Insights focuses on understanding individual communication styles and then learning how to adapt these for maximum impact. This can help to enhance interpersonal relationships, collaboration, and ensures your message is tailored to be more effective in different contexts.

  • We know how difficult it can be for some people to take time to understand their impact on others. Insights is all about creating better self-awareness. People who are more self-aware will understand their emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations better, which in turn allows for effective decision-making, and better interpersonal relationships.

  • Knowing your value to a team is important because it helps you contribute effectively.

    Insights can help you to recognise your strengths and potential which enables you to leverage them more effectively.

  • Teams that perform to the absolute best of their ability will achieve goals, have better working relationships, foster talent and constantly and consistently improve. They are more productive, adaptable and creative. Insights is a great foundation to build, foster and maintain high performing teams.

We promote effective relationships at work by improving communication and reducing conflict.

The Insights Discovery model is at the core of all Seventy20ten programmes.

By recognising and adapting to different behavioural styles, challenging team dynamics can change into respectful and productive working relationships, allowing people to perform at their highest level.

The Insights Discovery Profile

The Insights Discovery Profile starts with the Foundation Chapter and other chapters can then be added, depending on your needs. The Profile gives insights into individuals and others and is used as a development tool.

Foundation Chapter

Insights Discovery model is at the core of all Seventy20ten programmes.

This includes an overview of personal style, key strengths and weaknesses, value to the team, communication, possible blind spots, dealing with your challenging person and suggestions for development. The Foundation chapter also includes a compelling visual representation of where the respondent is applying themselves in each of the four colour energies.

Management Chapter

The Management chapter is the perfect partner to the Foundation chapter.

For those who want to build on their understanding of how they manage others and how they might prefer to be managed. It probes our ideal environment, needs in being managed, motivation and management style.

Effective Selling Chapter

This chapter is ideal to run in conjunction with a sales training programme.

An excellent coaching tool for sales managers to use with their teams. The chapter explores before the sale begins, identifying needs, proposing, handling buyer resistance, gaining commitment, follow-up and follow-through and sales preference indicators.

Team Wheel

When using Insights Discovery with a team, we can create a ‘Team Wheel’ which can be generated once all the team members have completed their Insights discovery evaluators.

The ‘Team Wheel’ gives team members an opportunity to better understand the behavioural styles of their colleagues in a visual manner. It plots the wheel positions of team members showing the overall team dynamic, highlighting their dominant colour.