Insights prove that it can add real value

When working with clients the subject about return on investment is often top of the list. Sometime this equation is a relatively simple one, as an example we can measure skills based training relatively easy.

Other measurements can be difficult to isolate; however, our courses and learning interventions will always add value.

Insights have taken this a step further and working with the ROI Institute have commissioned a report to see if we can get an accurate estimate on return on investment, Working with the ROI Institute. The ROI Institute is the world's most credible research body specialising in L&D programmes. The sample included 1,304 participants who took part in the Insights Discovery learning journey from Oct 2021 to Sept 2022. For the first time they have come up with some tangible data that proves that insvesting in insights and adopting the learning can give a huge return on investment.

Take a look the full report here